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Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 197
A Behavior Tree-Based Model for Supporting the Analysis of Knowledge Transferred in Software R&D Teams
(Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, 2016-05-12)Software R&D teams require proper forms of representing knowledge at carrying out software engineering processes and researches. In this context, transfer of knowledge becomes a dynamic process because team members ... -
Teaching the First Programming Course with Python's Turtle Graphic Library
(ITICSE, 2016-07-11)How to keep students interested in a CS1 course is not new to those who teach the subject. This work describes our experience in the use of Python with its Turtle Graphic Library in a game-oriented approach that seeks to ... -
Modelado y Diagnóstico de Procesos de Ingeniería y Proyectos en una Empresa Minera: Una Experiencia BPMN-XP
(14th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology, 2016-07-20)Muchas organizaciones gestionan y controlan sus procesos de negocios para lograr una ventaja competitiva. Un proceso de negocio puede involucrar múltiples participantes, cuya coordinación puede ser compleja, difícil de ... -
Framework Based on Aggregated Graphs for Analysis of Architectural Conformance from Source Code
(IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2016-08-29)Agile approaches consider the software architecture as an emergent feature that can have an intended structure but could be not documented. To controlling the architectural erosion, an architectural conformance analysis ... -
Use of Context for Recommending Code: an Approach Based on Frequent Pattern Mining
(Salamanca, Spain — September 13 - 16, 2016 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2016, 2016-09-13)During creating a class, several times a developer must be conscious of regularities that should be complied in order to satisfy an intended architectural design. This paper presents an approach for code recommendation, ... -
Valoración de los Ciudadanos: Crédito Social o Estado Policial de este siglo
(Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba, 2017)Parece ser que nos estamos acercando peligrosamente a la realidad de Black Mirror, una sociedad en la que lo único importante es lograr una puntuación de cinco estrellas en base a la valoración colectiva que es determinante ... -
Using Naming Patterns for Identifying Architectural Technical Debt
(Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2017-01-18)Hasty software development can produce immediate implementations with source code unnecessarily complex and hardly readable. These small kinds of software decay generate a technical debt that could be big enough to seriously ... -
Non-linear modeling for low and high power microwave transistors
(IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2017-01-19)New generation of communications systems will demand the use of low power devices in mesh configuration. This work presents a new characterization procedure for those devices in order to predict their behaviour before the ... -
A Technique Based on Naming Patterns for Finding Candidates to Components from Source Code
(IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2017-03-01)Component identification is relevant in maintenance activities but can be hard in scenarios where the volume of source code is high and there is no architecture documentation. This work presents a technique for finding ... -
A new graph-based approach for document similarity using concepts of non-rigid shapes
(IMMM 2017 : The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management, 2017-06-17)Most methods used to compare text documents are based on the space vector model; however, this model does not capture the relations between words, which is considered necessary to make better comparisons. In this research, ... -
Extracting word clouds in Git repositories
(2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2017-06-21)Git based social coding platforms (e.g.; GitHub, BitBucket) have been broadly adopted by many open source projects, and have became an important source of technical and social information about software development. That ... -
Developing a Holistic Understanding of Systems and Algorithms through Research Papers
(Universidad La Salle, 2017-07-03)Even though a computer science degree is unavoidably broken into semesters and courses, we always hope that our students form a holistic picture of the discipline by the time they graduate. Yet as educators, we do not have ... -
When the Robot Meets the Turtle: A Gentle Introduction to Algorithms and Functions
(Tool, Tips, and Courseware ITiCSE '17, 2017-07-03)Educators have long been trying to motivate students in their introductory programming courses. Games help students to practice formulas, facts and processes, motivating learning by adding fun. This work describes our ... -
A Multi-layer Representation Model for the ISO/IEC 33000 Assessment Framework: Analysing Composition and Behaviour
(Springer, Cham, 2017-09-09)Software Process Improvement (SPI) models are a very important topic for SPI workers as software engineering students that require a good comprehension of the process assessment models. This paper proposes a visual ... -
Characterization of climatological time series using autoencoders
(Universidad La Salle, 2017-11-08)Common problems in climatological time series data are high dimensionality, correlation between the sequential values and noise due to calibration of meteorological stations influencing dramatically in the quality of ... -
A cross-cultural review of lightbot for introducing functions and code reuse
(Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 2017-12-17)Functions and code reuse are often among the first topics that students find challenging in introductory programming courses. This paper describes the use of Lightbot to introduce students to these concepts in two ... -
Estudio del clima organizacional en Greenland Perú SAC.
(Universidad La SallePE, 2018)La presente investigación se realizó en Greenland Perú, una agroexportadora de productos perecibles. Es de tipo mixta bajo el enfoque de complementariedad que tuvo como principal objetivo la medición del Clima Organizacional. ... -
El conflicto jurídico entre el principio del Iura Novit Curia y el principio de Congruencia Procesal en los procesos civiles peruanos: Un análisis jurisprudencial del Noveno Pleno Casatorio Civil. Arequipa, 2018
(Universidad La SallePE, 2018)La presente investigación se encuentra referida a determinar la existencia de un problema en la aplicación de dos principios procesales fundamentales para la consecución de un debido proceso conforme al sistema jurídico ... -
Non-rigid 3D shape classification based on convolutional neural networks
(Universidad La Salle, 2018-02-08)Over the years, the scientific interest towards 3D models analysis has become more popular. Problems such as classification, retrieval and matching are studied with the idea to offer robust solutions. This paper introduces ... -
Application of the KDD Process for the Visualization of Integrated Geo-Referenced Textual Data from the Pre-processing Phase
(Universidad La Salle, 2018-04-17)Geo-referenced textual data has been the subject of multiple investigations, by providing opportunities to better understand certain phenomena according to the content that is shared, either on-line such as social networks, ...